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Records and research

The Worthys Local History Group hold thousands of records relating to Abbots Worthy, Headbourne Worthy, Kings Worthy and Martyr Worthy.  These include documents, pictures, photographs, maps, newspaper articles, audio/visual and scrapbooks.  These records are added to each month either as part of the our recording of the present or because research has revealed new records relating to the past.  Within the committee is a Records Manager, but this post is currently vacant.  If you are interested in this role please get in touch.


If you have an item which you think should be added to our archive please do get in touch. 


If you are researching your house, your family history or any aspect of the Worthys we are happy to look through our records for anything relevant.  The group regularly receive enquiries from all over the world and are often able to send relevant information.  These are dealt with by Alix Hickman, Website and Enquiries Manager.


The Worthys Local History Group regularly post photos and facts about the history of the Worthys on the twitter account @WorthyHistory.  Click below to link to the account.



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